Abstracts - Zusammenfassungen

Plena - SP01-05 - SP06-10 - SP11-15 - SY01-06,14 - SY07-13 - SM01-06
SM07-13 - SM14-20 - SM21-27 - SN01-05 - SN06-10 - SN11-15 - SN16-21
SN22-26 - SN27-32 - SN33-37 - SN38-43 - P01-13 - P14-28


Seminars Noon - Seminare Mittags
Friday - Freitag, 1.10.2004, 13.15 - 14.15 h

SM21 - SM22 - SM23 - SM24 - SM25 - SM26 - SM27


SM21: Bedeutung von Krisen, Krisendynamik, Krisenintervention (The Meaning of Crisis, Crisis Dynamics, Crisis Intervention) - Deutsch

Stefan Geyerhofer (A):

Systemische Therapy bei Burn Out und Erschöpfungssyndrom (Systemic Therapy of Burn Out and Neurasthenia)

Nach einer kurzen Zusammenfassung der wesentlichen Charakteristika von Burn Out und Erschöpfungssyndrom, wird ein Systemisches Modell vorgestellt, das die aufrechterhaltenden Bedingungen für dieses Syndrom besser zu verstehen hilft und Ansätze für die Therapie bzw. Coaching und Supervision (mit Teams oder Einzelpersonen) aufzeigt. Die TeilnehmerInnen werden Gelegenheit haben, bei einer kurzen Übung zur Anwendung des Modells mitzumachen und werden Ideen für die Prävention von Burn Out in der eigenen Arbeitspraxis, aber auch im Allgemeinen erhalten.

Karin Egidi (D):

Gib der Krise eine Chance - Aspekte einer systemischen Krisenintervention (Give Crisis a Chance – Aspects of a Systemic Approach to Crisis Intervention)

Menschen in Krisen erleben sich als “feststeckend” in einer leidvollen, existentiell bedrohlichen Situation. Sie haben das dringende Bedürfnis, diesen Zustand so schnell als möglich zu beenden, selbst wenn es das Leben kostet. Sie sehen sich allein in einem Tunnel, dessen Ausgang ihnen nicht zugänglich erscheint.
Die systemische Perspektive öffnet den Blickwinkel. Sie betrachtet Menschen in komplexen Lebensbezügen und fokussiert auf Kompetenzen und Ressourcen der Betroffenen, die auch in kritischen Lebenssituationen immer vorhanden sind. Sie bewertet die Krise als sinnvolle Antwort auf Lebenszusammenhänge, die nicht mehr passend, “viabel” sind und durch andere Entscheidungen bzw. Bedeutungszuschreibungen neu gestaltet werden müssen. Krisen, so leidvoll sie auch empfunden werden, sind als notwendige Erscheinungsformen im lebenslangen Entwicklungsprozeß zu sehen. Im Rahmen dieses Vortraga sollen Konturen einer systemischen Krisenintervention aufgezeigt werden.


SM22: Eating Disorders: Research and Therapy (Essstörungen: Forschung und Therapie) - English

Luigi Onnis, Manuela Antenucci, Marco Bernardini, Andrea Giambartolomei, Antonella Leonelli, Angela Mulè, Agostino Vietri (I):

An Integrative Approach to Anorexia and Bulimia: Preliminary Data of a Research Project (Ein integrativer Ansatz zur Behandlung von Anorexie und Bulimie: vorläufige Daten eines Forschungsprojektes)

This research project tries to test a therapeutic strategy that could improve the prognosis of anorexic and bulimic syndromes, by reducing their tendency to chronicity. The  hypothesis is that, whenever we deal with complex, multifactorial syndromes, such as anorexia and bulimia, a therapy based upon the association of different kinds of treatments (medical- biological-nutritional treatments plus family therapy) helps to obtain better results than one type of treatment only (medical- biological-nutritional alone). The selection of the samples (experimental and control samples), the materials and methods of the research project and the follow-up series will be described, as well as the preliminary data already obtained.

Helga Hanks, Chris Hobbs (GB):

Eating, Feeding and Growth. A Systemic Approach to Multidisciplinary Team Work with Children who `Fail to Thrive´ and their Families in a Paediatric Setting

To report the work of a multidisciplinary clinic in a Paediatric Hospital Outpatient Department where small children and their families are seen when the children are failing to thrive for non-organic reasons. We describe the work carried out in this clinic and present the difficulties and effectiveness of collaborating in a multidisciplinary team to achieve improvements in the growth of the children. The consequences for the children can be considerable particularly when Child Protection issues are at the forefront and the children may have been abused or neglected. The brief presentation includes discussion of the use of systemic methods to coordinate the different theoretical and cultural backgrounds of the professionals concerned. We show how families and their children can be helped to improve the children’s weight and height as well as improving the emotional climate and feeding skills within the family. Results from an Audit carried out retrospectively over a 2 year period are presented. (Reference: Hobbs, C. J. , Hanks H. G. I. & Wynne, J. M. , 1999, Child Abuse and Neglect, A Clinicians Handbook, Churchill Livingston, London).

Wachsen, Essen und gefüttert werden. Ein systemischer Ansatz multidisziplinärer Teamarbeit mit Familien, in denen Kinder unter Unterernährung und Gedeihstörungen leiden

Wir beschreiben wie ein multi-disciplinarisches team kleine Kinder und ihre Familien behandelt, wenn sie zu einer Aussenstation im Krankenhaus Uberwiesen werden. Die Kinder in diesem Projekt sind alle Unterernahrt ohne dass sie von einer organischen Krankheit befallen sind. Wir presentieren die schwierigen Phasen und die Erfolge die wir erwirkt haben wahrend wir mit diesen Kindern und ihren Familien gearbeited haben. Durch unsere zusammenarbeit als ein Team haben wir effektive Fortschritte gemacht und den Kindern geholfen ihr Gewicht zu erhohen und besser zu essen. Mit den Kindern und Eltern haben wir zusammen gearbeitet und den Eltern skills ubertragen die effektiv sind um den Kindern beim Essen zu helfen. Die negativen Konsequenzen von einer andauernden Unterernahrung fur Kinder sind betrachtlich. Dies ist besonders so wenn Kindesmisshandlung dazu tritt. Unser Vortrag wird sich auch mit den verschiedenen theoretischen und culturellen unterschieden eines ‘Multidisciplinarischen Teams’ beschaftigen und zeigen wie es moglich ist trotz der verschiedenen Ansichten zusammen zu arbeiten. Wir zeigen wie wir Familien und ihren Kindern geholfen haben und die Kinder an Gewicht zugenommen haben und gewachsen sind. Wie die Stimmung in der Familie positive ‘gewachsen’ ist und welche bestimmten skills Familien gelernt haben um das Essen und futtern von Kindern positiver zu gestalten. Wir presentieren unsere ‘Revision’ (Audit) welches wir uber eine Zeit von 2 Jahren durchgefuhrt haben.

Barbara Józefik (PL):

Externalisation of the Problem in Anorexia Nervosa (Externalisierung des Problems bei Anorexia Nervosa)

Narrative approach seems to be very useful in working with eating disorders patients. In recent years narrative ideas has been used in family therapy and individual therapy in anorexia nervosa. In this approach anorexia nervosa is considered as a story according to which the patient and the family live, to which the patient’s and family life is submitted and further constructs life of people involved in the problem. A change may come when the dominant story is deconstructed and replaced with a new one. Externalisation techniques, which allowed separating the patient from the symptoms and problems, seem to be very useful in therapy of anorexia nervosa, due to specificity of psychopathology of anorexia nervosa. Symptoms of anorexia nervosa quickly become a “part of the person”. As a consequence it is difficult to separate the person from the symptoms. Additionally, these techniques allow analysing the maintaining mechanisms occurring on several levels: symptomatic, intrapsychic, interpersonal, family, social. Ways of dealing with maintaining mechanisms are one of the substantial elements of psychotherapeutic process.


SM23: Video-Supported Training and Research (Videounterstützte Ausbildung und Forschung) - English

Peter Lenaerts (B):

The Third Man - Video as a Means of Dialogue (Der dritte Mann - Video als Mittel für den systemischen Dialog)

An introduction in the training of the use of TV, video, poetry and contempory art presentations. This presentation is a further exploration of the video material that was presented at the TIC  meeting in Barcelona 2003. You are invited to reflect on this and other material that is to be regarded as facilitating dialogue on various themes in systemic therapy. The participants are being asked to be able to share a certain amount of self- disclosure on reflecting on the scenes presented. We are inviting you as a third man (film with Orson Welles).

Fany Triantafillou, I. Schlaucher-Nikolaidou (GR):

Video-Research with Young People: "The Tragic Child“ and "Drawing the Future" (Videoforschung mit jungen Menschen: "Das tragische Kind" und "Die Zukunft malen")

The tragic child:
A 10 year old boy runs away…
A 15 min VIDEO- Construction –
- A synthesis of dialogue, music and images, starting from a “clinical case”.
Initial “material” of inspiration:
• Human narratives as emerging within the therapeutic discussions at the Mental Health Center
• Ideas from Philosophy, Ancient Greek Tragedy, Psychoanalysis, Systemic Theories
• Images from Art and the daily Greek Press
• The sculptures of the Greek artist VANIO
• Music by ERA and THE DOORS
The dialogue was written by Fany Triantafillou and Andreas Tsafos.
Bibliographic Research: Dimitris Kiosses
English Text Editing: Helen Samara
Synthesis, Sound, Image, Video electronic Editing by Fany Triantafillou

Drawing the Future… A VIDEO with… “Futuristic” expressions of young people. A 10 min Video – Construction about the future and how pupils envisage it. A synthesis of dialogue, music, images combined with pupils’ drawings created in the context of a study on The Future. Inspired by the main theme of the Congress, “Creating Futures”, we investigated how young people themselves feel and think about the future. Some 1000 pupils (10-18 y. old) living in Thessaloniki and attending public and private schools, as well as the Greek and the German section of The German School of Thessaloniki, took part in the study. Pupils of any social class, as well of repatriated and immigrant families from the Balkan, East and West European Countries were included. The pupils, in the classroom, were invited to respond to a specially designed and modified Questionnaire according to their age, both in writing and in drawing. The Video-Construction is a complex way of presenting the results of this study.


SM24: Psychotherapy Centre Athens (das Psychotherapie-Zentrum Athen) - English

A. Kokkinidis, A. Kakouri, Th. Papadakis, E. Kouneli (GR):

Structure and Function of the Children and Family Therapy Unit in a Daily Psychotherapy Centre (Struktur und Funktion der Kinder- und Familientherapie in einer psychotherapeutischen Tagesklinik)

Objectives: This paper describes the functioning of the Child and Family Unit of the Open Psychotherapy Centre. It emphasises the basic theoretical approach and philosophy of its operation, as well as its structure and the main therapeutic activities.
Conclusions: In this Unit has been developed a specific therapeutic approach (multifactorial) which pays special attention on the developmental/evolutionary difficulties of the parental couple and its relation to the identified patient (the child). Special homogeneous therapeuticgroups of children operate in parallel with psychoeducational groups in which their parents participate and in combination with the proper family therapy sessions, aiming at the harmonization of the developmental needs of the family as a whole.

Th. Papadakis, I. K. Tsegos, A. Kokkinidis,
A. Kakouri, E. Morarou (GR):

A Group Analytic Training Community for Family Therapy: Structure, Process and Objectives (Eine gruppenanalytische Trainingsgruppe für Familientherapie: Struktur, Prozess und Ziele)

Objectives: The Training in Group Analytic Family Therapy of the Institute of Family Therapy of the Open Psychotherapy Centre is described. It constitutes a Training Community which is separate from the Therapeutic Communities of the O. P. C. , where the students usually acquire their clinical experience. More specifically, this Training is comprised of groups of different size (small, median, large) and of various purposes, such as Personal Therapy, Supervision, Theoretical Seminars, Sensitivity Meeting, Training Community Meeting e. t. c. , which provide the student with the opportunity of functioning on different levels of relating (adult, peer and regressed).
Conclusions: After twelve years of training experience, it seems that this communal approach contributes to the acquisition of knowledge and skills. It also encourages the trainees, through the interchange of multiple group activities, to get involved into a procedure that promotes personal growth and cultivates some other qualities, which we consider as essential for their function as students, persons and specialists and furthermore for strengthening of their professional identity.

Ch. Sidiropoulos, E. Kouneli, A. Kokkinidis, I. K. Tsegos:

The Reasons we Become Family Therapists (Warum wir Familientherapeuten werden)

Objectives: This paper discuss the factors that motivate mental health specialists to select their profession with emphasis on the Family Therapist.
References:It has been previously claimed that the professionals were attracted to the above mentioned professions by their internal need to address their own problems, via a "representative", which are reproduced in the life and operation of the organization they work for (R. Skynner, 1983, 1984). On the other hand, contemporary authors support the necessity of training and personal therapy for the future Family Therapist (Tsegos, 2002).
Conclusions: The need for the definition of the motives is being discussed, as well as the importance of the personal growth and development of the Family Therapist. According to the above approach, an adequate and effective framework of the future family therapist is necessary to comprise a structured training program including personal therapy.


SM25: Systemic Concept, Systemic Practice (Systemisches Konzept und Systemische Praxis) - Italiano / Italian / Italienisch

Gianluca Bocchi (I):

Emergence - a Key Concept in Complexity and System Sciences. Promoting Discontinuous Change through a Web of Interactions (Emergenz - Ein Schlüsselkonzept der Komplexität und der Systemwissenschaften. Die Förderung diskontinuierlichen Wandels vemittels eines Netzwerkes von Interaktionen)

Emergence has currently become one of the key concept in complexity and system sciences. It describes how a new and unpredictable global behaviour suddenly arises in a complex system composed of many and partly heterogeneous elements when the web of interactions between these elements becomes sufficiently rich and dense. Thus the global behaviour is not predetermined in the previous behaviours of isolated elements, nor is totally disconnected and superimposed: rather it is a historical product of the ever-increasing and partly contingent dynamical exchanges between the elements themselves. When this web of interactions attains a critical threshold, the global system settles in a new and discontinuous state.
Nowadays complexity and system sciences consider this emergentist view as a viable alternative that supersedes the traditional and inadequate opposition between reductionism ("the global behaviour is deducible by the behaviours of the parts") and holism ("the global behaviour is wholly disconnected from the behaviours of the parts"). They point out that the universe of possibilities in natural and human systems is neither static nor fixed in advance but arises as a historical and partly contingent product of evolution. They consider life and human consciousness as the two main embodiments of this emergentist view: life is seen as an emergent global behaviour triggered by a rich and dense web of interaction between various chemical elements in prebiotic Earth, as well human consciousness is seen as an emergent global behaviour triggered by the ever-growing complexity of neural nets in primate evolution.
My intervention intends to review the main traits and instances of emergent systems and then to focus on the broad significance of this emergentist view for therapeutic practices, for foster care as well for any other action aiming at promoting new and healthy global behaviours. The crucial attitude lies in supporting and expanding the quality and the quantity of the interactions between the various elements of the system, by creating actively new and unexpected connections between elements, by getting chance itself to establish further connections, and by increasing the general redundancy of the system. When and how precisely the critical threshold will be attained is unpredictable, but there is a lot of space for strategies aiming at rendering this goal closer. Discontinuous change is promoted not by insisting on single elements and interactions but by making their web stronger and more flexible.

Silvia Mugnaini (I):

Children and Adolescents First: A new Creative Perspective in Foster Care (Kinder und Jugendliche zuerst: eine neue, kreative Perspektive in der Pflegschaft)

Starting from a systemic vision and from a point of view of complexity, the author describes the experience of a Foster Centre. The perspective  is that children and adolescents that have to leave their original family and enter a foster family must be helped  and prepared before, throughout and after the experience. The author describes how to use the same theoretical and operative models of family therapy to follow children and adolescents in such a complex experience. The aim is to integrate double loyalty in the mind of the subjects: to the original family and to the foster family.
The author describes how to use techniques and methods of  Family Therapy with children and adolescents in foster care. This new approach considers the use of particular techniques and methods (collective drawings, "family sculptures", genograms, photos) in different possible therapeutic settings:
a) Individual setting with children and/or adolescents
b) Children/Adolescents and foster family
c) Children/Adolescents with foster and original family
taking place at the Foster Centre, the school, the place where children meet their original family, the home of the foster family. The final results indicate important improvements in the psychological state of children and/or  adolescents in foster care. In the last part of the paper the author describes the importance of preparing and following the children throughout the foster experience. By using  different verbal and non-verbal languages and different techniques it is possible to implement a creative way of working open to the different  occasions in which children can elaborate their foster situation.


SM26: Aufstellungsarbeit in Aktion (Constellation Work in Action) - Deutsch

Klaus Skoupy (D):

Von der Beziehung zum Universum

Ich werde von einer individuellen Sichtweise startend ein System entwickeln, das einen Versuch darstellt, das Universum der Beziehungen und Interrelationen zu beschreiben. Dabei werde ich zeigen, daß in einer Beziehung zwischen, sagen wir z.B. zwischen zwei Personen, nicht notwendigerweise etwas anderes existiert, als die Beziehung selbst. Die Beziehung wird so zu dem eigentlich wirklichen „Wesen“, anstatt der Personen, die involviert sind. Die Beziehung ist so als eine dritte Person vorstellbar, die aus einem stetigen Prozess von Aktion und Reaktion, einen andauernden Feedback- und Rückkopplungsprozess heraus erschaffen wird. Eine Beziehung selbst wird durch ihre beiden Anfangs- und Endpunkte manifestiert, beispielsweise können das zwei Personen sein, wie etwa ein Paar, oder ein Kind und ein Elternteil. Diese beiden Personen stehen sich gegenüber, um zu zeigen, daß die Beziehung, die zwischen ihnen existiert, durch beide in jedem Moment kontinuierlichen erschaffen und wiedererschaffen wird. So rücken nicht die beiden Menschen, sondern die Beziehung zwischen ihnen ins Zentrum therapeutischer Aufmerksamkeit. Wie dies funktioniert kann ich sehr dynamisch und interaktiv in einer speziell dafür erarbeiteten Aufstellung zeigen. Diese Arbeit erlaubt einen anschaulichen Einblick in zirkuläre Beziehungen sowie trianguläre oder multidimensionale Muster. Die Art der Aufstellung ist ebenso direkt in der täglichen therapeutischen Praxis mit Familien, Paaren und Einzelklienten anwendbar.

From Relations to the Universe

Starting from an individual viewpoint I will develop a system that reaches as far out as possibly explaining the universe of relations and interrelations. I will show, that in a relation between for example two persons, nothing necessarily exists, exept the relation itself. The relations becomes therefore the only real „being“, instead of the people involved. You may imagine it as something like a third person, created by a constant process of acting and reacting, a continuing loop of circular feedback. A relation itself is manifested by it´s two beginnings or ends, for example two persons, e. g. a couple, or a child an a parent. These two persons are standing opposite of each other to show that the relation that exists between those two is constantly created and recreated by them. So not the two people but the relation itself becomes the center of attention for the therapeutic process. How this works I can show very vividly in a specially designed dynamic constellation. This work allows an insight into circular relations as well as triangular and multidimensional patterns. It is also directly adaptable for daily therapeutic practice with families, couples and individuals.


SM27: Social and Political Issues - Systemic Perspectives (Soziale und Politische Fragestellungen - Systemische Perspektiven) - English

Raul Medina (MEX):

Modest Changes, Big Revolutions - Critical Family Therapy for Latin America (Bescheidener Wandel, große Revolutionen - Kritische Familientherapie für Lateinamerika)

In this paper we propose a psycho sociological critical theory, which can be applied modestly in family therapy. We use discourse analysis as an empirical action-research method, able to study and see families as protagonists with they own history and local culture. We have developed two methodologies, analysis of dominant and alternative discourses and a dialogue base on stupid questions, which have allowed the creation of a link between individual problems and social issues, and have empower people to do something for themselves and their community. Our methodologies have led us to create a critical and reflective therapy to resolve psychological problems in families and, at the same time, change the attitudes of their members to more complex-social problems which are part of the symptoms, such as gender discrimination, violence, impunity, asymmetric power relations, racism etc. We propose that family therapiest and social researchers, in particular en Latin America, will take a reflective, critical and political stance, aimed not only to resolve problems, but also at promoting socio-cultural changes for the families and their communities as a part of the political transformation of society.

Gertie Wilford (D/GB):

In Search of the Unspeakable: What Relevance has the Silence in Post World War II Germany for us Today?
(Auf der Suche nach dem Unaussprechbaren: Welche Relevanz hat das Schweigen Nachkriegsdeutschlands für uns heute?)

Trauma is often followed by silence leaving questions of responsibility and attribution unclear for the next generation. Children and young people, who grew up in the immediate post-war era in Germany experienced a resounding silence about the atrocities committed during the war. They experienced feelings of guilt and public shame but also feelings of protection for as well as rage against their parents. Many were left confused and often deeply perturbed and insecure.
I shall  present the outcome and conclusions following the semi-structured interviews with twelve people who lived during that period and want to raise questions about the relevance of such explorations of past experiences for the present, especially in the context of time: questions will be raised about how silences about traumatic experiences, primary or secondary, are confronted and either explored or exposed; how shifting political and cultural boundaries and educational challenges interact with the process of healing.
