Abstracts - Zusammenfassungen

Plena - SP01-05 - SP06-10 - SP11-15 - SY01-06,14 - SY07-13 - SM01-06
SM07-13 - SM14-20 - SM21-27 - SN01-05 - SN06-10 - SN11-15 - SN16-21
SN22-26 - SN27-32 - SN33-37 - SN38-43 - P01-13 - P14-28


Seminars Noon - Seminare Mittags
Friday - Freitag, 1.10.2004, 13.15 - 14.15 h

SM14 - SM15 - SM16 - SM17 - SM18 - SM19 - SM20



SM14 - Aktivierung und Management von Netzwerken (Activation and Management of Networks) - Deutsch

Sibylle Friedrich (D):

Die Aktivierung sozialer Netzwerke innerhalb der sozial-pädagogischen Familienhilfe (SPFH). Ein Dissertations-Projekt mit quasiexperimentellem Untersuchungsplan

Ziel ist es, netzwerkorientierte Interventionsmethoden für den sozialpädagogischen Alltag zu entwickeln, ihre Wirksamkeit und die Konzepttreue zu überprüfen, ihre Nachhaltigkeit zu fördern sowie das Konzept aufgrund der erhaltenen Ergebnisse weiter zu entwickeln. Durch eine zeitbegrenzte Fokussierung der sozialpädagogischen Arbeit auf die vorhandenen oder noch fehlenden familiären sozialen Ressourcen sollen Familien, die SPFH in Anspruch nehmen, befähigt werden, ihr Netzwerk zu erweitern und zu nutzen. Dazu wurden 20 FamilienhelferInnen in netzwerkorientierten Interventionsmethoden geschult, welche sie in den darauf folgenden 9 Monaten in ihre Arbeit integrierten (N=26 Familien). Es wurde eine Vergleichsgruppe eingesetzt (N=26), in der mit traditioneller Familienhilfe gearbeitet wurde. Es wird erwartet, dass die Familien von staatlicher Hilfe unabhängiger werden, indem ihr natürliches Netzwerk wichtige Funktionen (wieder) übernimmt. Die Netzwerkanalyse erfolgte zu beiden Messzeitpunkten mit dem Mannheimer Interview zur sozialen Unterstützung und wurde durch qualitative Interviews mit allen Beteiligten ergänzt. Die Ergebnisse aus den Abschlussbefragungen werden präsentiert.

The Activation of Social Networks within the Social Educational Family Assistance (SPFH) – a Thesis Project with Quasi-Experimental Investigation Plan

A goal is it to develop network-oriented intervention methods for the socialeducational everyday life to examine their effectiveness and the concept loyalty their lastingness to promote, as well as the concept due to the received results further to develop. By a time limited focusing of the socialeducational work on existing or still missing family social resources families, which take SPFH up, are to be enabled their network to extend and use. 20 professionals were trained in network-oriented intervention methods, which they integrated in the 9 months following on it into their work (N=26 families). A group of comparisons was used (N=26), in which with traditional family assistance one worked. It is expected that the families become more independent of national assistance, as their natural network takes over important functions (again). The network analysis took place to both points of gate time with Mannheimer interview of social support and via qualitative interviews with all involved ones was supplemented. Results from the conclusion questionings are presented.

Jesús Hernández (E):

Die Handhabung (das Management) der Beziehungsvernetzung in Supervision und Therapie. Oder die Gestaltung des "Dazwischen"

Aus der K. Lewin-Tradition wissen wir um das Beziehungsfeld in Gruppen. In Systemischem Denken sprechen wir eher über Netz von Beziehungen, die das System konstituieren. M. Buber spricht vom "Dazwischen" als die dritte Instanz zwischen Ich und Du. Therapeut/in oder Supervisor/in und Klienten stehen in einem Geflecht von Interaktionen, die die therapeutische bzw. supervisorische Situation darstellen und von derer Wahrnehmung und Handhabung durch den Professionellen der Heilungs-oder Reflexionsprozess abhängt. Die Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit zu vergrössen und die Meisterung dieses Geflechtes zu trainieren, ist Ziel des Vortrags.

The Management of Network Interactions in Supervision and Therapy, in Other Words the Shaping of the "In-Between" Concept

We know about the group interaction field through the tradition of Kurt Lewin. In systemic thinking we talk about network interactions that build up the system. Martin Buber talks about the concept of the"in-between" as the third element between Me and You. The therapist or the supervisor and clients are in a framework of interactions that represents the therapeutic and supervising situations. Success in treatment and reflective processes depend on the perception and management of the situation by the experts. The goal of this presentation ist to expand the perception ability and to train people to take control of the situation.



SM15 - Integrative Concepts for Individual, Social, and Cultural Contexts (Integrative Konzepte für individuelle, soziale und kulturelle Kontexte) - English

Angela Abela, Carmel Tabone (M):

Experiences and Expectations of Service Provision of Families with Young Children Living Below the Poverty Line (Erfahrungen und Erwartungen aus der Unterstützung von Familien mit Kleinkindern unterhalb der Armutsgrenze)

Objectives: This action research project aims to elicit the experiences and expectations of service provision amongst mothers with young children who live below the poverty line. Service providers were also interviewed about their perceptions and experiences of their professional work with these families. These different perspectives were analysed with the aim of understanding how best to help these families.
Design and Method: 21 mothers with children living below the poverty line were divided into 3 focus groups of 7 mothers each and interviewed about their experiences and expectations of service provision. 21 service providers to these same families were also interviewed about their perceptions and experiences of their professional work with these families.
Interviews were analysed using the interpretative phenomenological approach. The mothers’ views and those belonging to the service providers were highlighted. Furthermore the mothers’ views were triangulated with those of the various professionals involved in service provision.

N. Calovska, D. Nagulic, Saveta Draganic-Gajic, S. Stojanovic (YU):

Systemic Workshop in Multiethnic Communities - Contextual Intervention? (Systemischer Workshop in multikulturellen Gemeinschaften - eine Kontextintervention?)

Objectives: Impact of systemically organized workshops with local population in Serbian postwar multiethnic communities addressing multiethnic conflictual themes and behaviors is described. The authors emphasize the clarity and effect of this approach in developing tolerance and taking reconciliatory actions in local communities.
Design and Method: Project aiming to address meaning of ethnic identity, prevailing beliefs about people with different ethnic origin, personal and observed discriminatory behaviors in local community and possible co-life in tolerant environment has been implemented in twenty Serbian towns. Participants were people working in different local institutions (schools, medical centers, local government, media houses, etc) and students and NGO activists. Workshops were designed as an interactive day event and systemic approach was applied through joining, brainstorming and challenging contemporary auto and hetero stereotypes referring to different ethnicities, discussing examples of discriminatory behaviors, role-playing relevant ethnic conflict and reflecting upon it. Using narratives and reframing process of reconciliation was brought into focus and it was recognized as means in developing more tolerant community.
Results: Evaluation indicated that these workshops provided forum for understanding how prejudices are developed, sustained leading to discriminatory behaviors and how they may be deconstructed, while reconciliation and tolerance were acknowledged as processes that could lead to preferred communal life.
Conclusions: In the last part, authors discuss the impact that systemic approach had in these workshops, participants especially valued experiencing narrative and reflective work. Authors comment upon possible contextual intervention achieved.



SM16 - The Concept of Future in Systemic Therapy (Das Konzept Zukunft in der Systemischen Therapie) - English

Inês Espírito Santo Figueiredo Faustino,
Maria João Subtil de Carvalho, Ana Cristina Gil Nascimento (P):

Children - the Promotion of Optimistic Lenses (Kinder - Die Förderung einer optimistischen Sichtweise)

How can we show our children the world can offer them everything they need to fulfill their potential when the society they live in tends to be characterized in a pessimistic way? Optimism is a central concept in Positive Psychology (Seligman), which main goal is promoting the qualities and strengths of individuals, families and communities, enabling them to lead a more positive, happy and healthy life. This movement is grounded on empirical research and this presentation will address a compilation of prior studies in the field of the promotion of optimism in children, and the several action levels by which this promotion can be achieved. The ultimate goal is to demonstrate that, despite the present climate of insecurity, it is possible to promote a more optimistic attitude, which will bring benefits to our children and the future families they’ll build. Optimism can help promote in the upcoming generations greater subjective well-being, resilience, empowerment and happiness. Optimism does not deny the existence of difficulties neither advocates unrealistic thinking. Instead, through optimism, people can focus on the resources, and use them to overcome the negative aspects of life. This refocusing of scientific energy on the positive will guide us all, in the long run, towards global stability, prosperity and peace, and it can start right now, if we believe that it is possible to actively co-construct a world focused on positive qualities.

Cátia Sofia Peres de Matos, A. R. Mota, Rute Valente (P):

The Positive Vision in the Systemic Future: An Essay of Two Case Studies (Die positive Vision einer systemischen Zukunftsorientierung: zwei Fallstudien)

Objectives: In the first segment of this presentation the authors intend to enhance how the systemic perspective is drawn more and more to a focus on the resources, potencialities a nd competences instead of a problem oriented bases. This vison, seems now to be inherent to the systemic approach, this will influenciate to a great extent the way we apprehend and intervine in the contexts of intership (Adolescents Unity of Hospital Santa Maria and Foster Home of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa). Within this contexts, the authors will describe two cases on which it was used this vision, thought in two distinctive ways, one refering to family interventions and the other to group interventions.
References: The most relevant themes will be: positive vison/optimism in the systemic parctice (Neto); brief therapies (Shazer); narrative therapies (White & Epstein); profound grammar (Cronen & Lang) and positive conotation (Palazzoli).
Conclusion: The authors, with this presentation, desire to demonstrate not only the benefits of the positive vision but also its implementation on a theorical and practical level.



SM17 - Systemic Assessment (Systemische Diagnostik) - English

Jan de Mol, Ann Buysse (B):

The Filiating Concept: An Explorative Analysis of Children´s Agency in Parent-Child Relationships (Das Filiationskonzept: eine Untersuchung der Wirkungskraft von Kindern in Eltern-Kind-Beziehungen)

In recent research of the parent-child relationships, emphasis is put on the bi-directional processes of influence, referring to a systemic theoretical framework. A strong assumption of bi-directionality is that parents and children are equally agentic. Concerning the agency of children, the term filiating was introduced, referring to the influences children have on their parents and the construction of the relationship. The present paper is an attempt to capture the ideas and meanings that exist in our culture concerning filiating. In-depth interviews with 20 parents and 20 children (age 11-15) were administered. Content analysis was performed using a qualitative inductive approach. Initially, for both parents and children, it is a difficult topic talking about, indicating it is not common sense thinking in the inverse direction. Once started, parents are relieved having the possibility to talk about it and report a great variety of contents, which are very existential in their lives. Children focus mainly on when they believe having an influence and the signals of their parents indicating influences, although stressing the importance of a sense of influence for their well being and reporting some contents similar to the parents.

Juha Katajamäki, Pirjo Välivaara, Jukka Aaltonen (FIN):

Everyday Language vs. Medical Language in Evaluating Need for Psychiatric Hospital Care (Alltagssprache vs. medizinische Sprache in der Indikationsstellung für stationäre psychiatrische Therapie)

One of the main focuses in developing family-centred psychiatric treatment system in Kangasvuori psychiatric hospital (92 hospital beds; catchment area 143 000 inhabitants) in Jyväskylä, Finland has been a model in which the medical language is minimized in evaluating the need of inpatient care. At the same time the central focus has been in supporting the patient´s , his/her family´s and social network´s everyday resources e.g. in problem solving. During the developmental project the amount of the intaken patients from all referred patients has decreased 37 %.
Everyday life and everyday language together form an entity in which the psychiatric symptoms are as separate phenomena only in a limited conditions. Most part of patient´s everyday life is almost always “symptom-free” even in severe psychiatric disorders. By supporting and focusing at the everyday life the impact and power of the psychiatric symptoms can be decreased. When it is seen that the impact of the symptoms in the everyday life can be, on fact, less than seen from the medical point of view a new kind of treatment solutions can be found. The meaning of the psychological symptoms according to everyday life is normalized, too.



SM18 - Psychosomatik und Familie (Psychosomatic Medicine and Family Relationships) - Deutsch

Lothar Eder (D):

Psyche, Soma und Familie: Ein systemischer Ansatz für die Behandlung psychosomatischer Störungen

Es wird gezeigt, welche Bedeutung der systemische Ansatz für die Therapie von psychosomatischen Störungen haben kann. Folgende Thesen, Aspekte und Fragen werden behandelt:
1. Mit Psychosomatik bezeichnet man die (misslungene) Beziehung zwischen dem psychischen und dem somatischen Bereich. Ist psychosomatische Therapie damit von vornherein die Therapie einer Beziehung und folglich systemisch? Was sind die Merkmale dieser Beziehung? Was bedeuten sie für die Therapie?
2 Welche familiären Muster gehen idealtypisch mit psychosomatischen Problemen einher und wie kann ihnen therapeutisch begegnet werden?
3. Möglichkeiten systemischer Einzeltherapie bei psychosomatischen Problemen: Der Ansatz des wertschätzenden inneren Dialogisierens; der Einbezug der exkommunizierten körperlichen Ebene.

Psyche, Soma and Family: A Systemic Approach to the Therapy of Psychosomatic Disorders

In this presentation the relevance of the systemic approach for the therapy of psychosomatic disorders will be discussed. The following theses, aspects and questions will be dealt with:
1. Psychosomatics refers to the (unsuccessful) relationship between the psychic and the somatic areas. Is psychosomatic therapy fundamentally the therapy of a relationship and thus systemic? What are the characteristics of this relationship? What consequences do they have for therapy?
2. Which family patterns are typical for psychosomatic problems, and how can they be dealt with therapeutically?
3. Possibilities of individual systemic therapy concerning psychosomatic problems: The approach of the appreciative inner dialogue; the inclusion of the excommunicated somatic level.

Matthias Ochs, H. Seemann, G. Franck, N. Wredenhaben,
Rolf Verres, Jochen Schweitzer (D):

Primäre Kopfschmerzen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Therapiererfolg und Veränderung familiärer Beziehungsmuster

Die vorgestellte Studie konzentriert sich auf den Zusammenhang zwischen (a) Veränderungen in kopfschmerzassoziierten familiären Beziehungsmustern und (b) die Nachhaltigkeit des Therapieerfolgs, der mit einem Behandlungsprogramm spezifisch für chronische Kopfschmerzen im Kindes- und Jugendalter erzielt wurde. Das Behandlungsprogramm besteht aus drei Komponenten: Kindergruppentherapie, Elternabende und systemische Familiengespräche. Bei der vorliegenden Untersuchung handelt es sich um eine qualitative Studie einer Fallserie von 38 Familien mit einem quantitativen Methodenanteil. Die Kinder und Jugendlichen wurden nach den Kriterien der IHS (International Headache Society) diagnostiziert. Veränderungen familiärer Beziehungsmuster wurden mit qualitativer Analyse erfasst. Der Behandlungserfolg wurde mit einer 11stufigen numerischen Ratingskala gemessen, welche die vom Patienten subjektiv erfahrene Kopfschmerzbelastung erfasst. Die Ergebnisse der qualitativem Analyse zeigen zwei Subgruppen von Familien: a) Familien mit positiven Veränderungen in den kopfschmerzassoziierten familiären Beziehungsmustern und b) Familien mit unveränderten und negativ veränderten kopfschmerzassoziierten familiären Beziehungsmustern. Die Kopfschmerzbelastung der Kinder und Jugendlichen, in deren Familien kopfschmerzassoziierte Beziehungsmuster sich positiv veränderten, reduzierte sich hochsignifikant (p=. 0001) um 64% von 6,7 auf 2, 3 auf der 11stufigen numerischen Ratingskala. Hingegen erzielten Kinder und Jugendliche mit unveränderten und negativ veränderten familiären Beziehungsmustern lediglich eine statistisch unbedeutsame Verbesserung der Kopfschmerzbelastung um 17% von 6,1 auf 5, 1. Die Resultate weisen darauf hin, dass die Einbeziehung der Familie in die Behandlung pädiatrischer Kopfschmerzen sinnvoll sein kann. Die Ergebnisse werden anhand von Kasuistiken illustriert und im Kontext der Theorie dynamischer Systeme diskutiert.

Primary Headache In Children and Adolescents: Therapy Outcome and Changes in Family Interaction Patterns

The present study focuses on the connection between (a) changes in family interaction patterns and (b) the sustainability of therapy success achieved in a psychosocial treatment program specific for pediatric primary headache. The treatment program consisted of three parts: child-centered group therapy, parents’ evenings, systemic family counseling. The study is a qualitative case series report with a quantitative method component. Sample size was n=38 children and adolescents diagnosed in accordance with IHS (International Headache Society) criteria. Changes in family interaction patterns were evaluated with qualitative analysis. Therapy outcome was assessed with an 11 point numeric rating scale measuring the reduction of subjectively experienced global headache strain. Qualitative results indicated two family subgroups: families where there was a) a positive change and b) unchanged or worsened headache-associated interaction patterns. Children and adolescents from families where a positive change in headache-associated interaction patterns was found, displayed a highly significant reduction (p=. 0001) of global headache strain by 64% from 6. 7 (pre) to 2. 3 (nine month follow-up) on the 11 point numeric rating scale (t-test for paired samples). By contrast, children and adolescents with unchanged or worsened family interaction patterns showed a statistically insignificant reduction of global headache strain of 17%, from 6. 1 to 5. 1. These results clearly indicate that the inclusion of the family in the treatment of primary pediatric headache is beneficial. These findings are illustrated by case histories and discussed in the context of dynamic systems theory.



SM19: Work on Chronic Problems (Arbeit mit chronischen Problemen) - English

José N. Gongora (E):

Chronic Problems: Psychosocial Consequences (Psychosoziale Folgen chronischer Probleme)

The psychosocial framework of the chronic problems is depicted. The unit of analysis will be the social network involved in the chronic problem: the affected person, his family, friends and professionals. Several phenomena are addressed: The pattern of interaction between the chronic person and his family. The need of putting the chronic problems in its place. The meaning of the crises within a chronic framework. The professionals’ response to the chronic problems.
Many problems in mental health have a chronic course, but there are no too much literature devoted to the problems which arise when a condition becomes chronic. Most of the literature hardly distinguishes among the psychosocial phenomena related to the different phases of a condition (acute, chronic and terminal), or pay more attention to the acute and terminal phases. The chronic condition means the presence of an ongoing stress with which people have to learn to live with. It affects to everyday routines and high valued priorities. Professionals are part of the family, wanted or not. Social relationships are conditioned.
The chronic conditions affect to all orders of the life; rendering the families dependent on professionals. The paper examines their psychosocial consequences for the affected person’s social network, focusing on the pattern of relationship within the family, how to make compatible caring the condition with living the life, the crises’ meanings, and the relationship with the professionals.

Kristina Urbanc (HR):

A Research on Young Careers - Children whose Parents are Disabled or have Chronical Illness (Untersuchung von Entwicklungsverläufen von Kindern mit behinderten oder chronisch kranken Eltern)

Author describes research focused on psychosocial resilience of children whose parents are disabled or chronically ill and whose role was to be “unofficial caretakers” to their parents. Qualitative research made on a sample of 53 families where children were minor aged and parents were disabled or/and chronically ill. Results indicate that existing approaches and resources (of community or interventions made by social welfare in order to help those families) are neither sufficient nor appropriate because they attached only “identified clients” and not the family as a complex unit. It was also indicated that many children fight an ongoing conflict between “being co-operative” and “caring for their own integrity”. Referring to these results, the author suggests a systemic approach in creating policy for future interventions.



SM20 - Violence Towards Oneself - A Video Presentation (Gewalt gegen das Selbst: Eine Videopräsentation) - English

Ole Nygaard (DK):

Physical Violence Towards Oneself: A Way to Stop the Self Destruction (Selbstverletzung: Ein Weg zur Beendigung von Selbstzerstörung)

In the first part of the seminar a 30 minutes Video is presented about a young woman who for several years has taken the orders from her “inner voices” to practice severe self harming behavior (Putting fire to herself and cutting her arms with knifes). The staff on the Psychiatric Institution felt desperate and asked for help in order to make the woman stop violence towards herself. In the second part the author will present results from working with other youngsters with self harming behavior in order to create “Meaning in Madness”. One systemic consultation was arranged at the Institution, and the author worked with the woman and her nurse. Also a Reflecting Team from the staff was arranged. The primary method in the interviewing was to Externalize the Voices and together with the woman and her nurse investigate the voice’s strength, strategies, and weakness. After the consultation the young woman immediately stopped her self harming behavior for 6 months. There was an follow up after one and two years and then finally the self harming behavior stopped.
