Abstracts - Zusammenfassungen

Plena - SP01-05 - SP06-10 - SP11-15 - SY01-06,14 - SY07-13 - SM01-06
SM07-13 - SM14-20 - SM21-27 - SN01-05 - SN06-10 - SN11-15 - SN16-21
SN22-26 - SN27-32 - SN33-37 - SN38-43 - P01-13 - P14-28


Seminars Noon - Seminare Mittags
Thursday - Donnerstag, 30.09.2004, 13.15 - 14.15 h

SM01 - SM02 - SM03 - SM04 - SM05 - SM06


SM01: Families with Drug Abusing Adolescent Children (Familien mit drogenkonsumierenden Jugendlichen) - English

Maja Rus Makovec, K. Sernec, Z. Cebacek-Travnik, S. V. Rus (SLO):

Psychosocial Status of Parents of Illicit Drug Dependent Adolescents (Psychosozialer Status von Eltern drogenabhängiger Jugendlicher)

Objectives: The present research is a study on identification of psychosocial factors of parents with drug addicted children.
Design and Methods: The sample consisted of 90 parents and 54 adolescents aged 14-19 years. The Experimental group consisted of 44 parents and 27 adolescents, the control group of 46 parents and 27 adolescents. The data where obtained by a self-administered questionnaire covering all the relevant psychosocial adolescent and parent issues:
Results: There are important differences in parents’ psychosocial status considering their gender and allegiance to the experimental or control group. Mothers who had drug addicted adolescents tended to be more vulnerable considering the psychosocial variables than mothers with non-addicted adolescents. There weren't found any important differences in psychosocial variables between fathers from the experimental and the control group.
Conclusions: The analysis of relevant variables shows the both types of families can be discriminated on the ground of the dynamic of interpersonal relationships. The families from the experimental group showed a preference to a link-up between mothers and adolescents, while the families from the control group showed a link-up between father and mother.

Vojislav Majkic, Branco Gacic (YU):

Resilience of Adolescent´s Families with Substance Abuse: Research Results (Resilienz von Familien mit drogenabhängigen Jugendlichen: Forschungsergebnisse)

Objectives: Studies research of resilience concept has been developed from individual to family/relational and systemic approach during the past decade, within the framework of Belgrade ecosystemic integrative biopsichosocial model. The aim of this paper is both identification of key resilience processes in non-adapted and adapted families, as well as possibilities of their clinical practice.
Design and method: The research included 104 families: 52 non-adapted (substance abused) and 52 adapted – equalized by basic characteristics. Both parametric and non-parametric statistic techniques were used for testing significant difference between these 2 groups.
Results: The main research results confirmed basic hypotheses. Both groups of examined families differ substantially in: emotional climate, more frequent parental conflicts in their origin families, more frequent serious illnesses in the nuclear and extended families etc. – in all key resilience processes (belief system, organization and communication).
Conclusions: Resilience is a new paradigm in the field of mental health. Our research results show great possibilities in therapeutic and preventive work, as a basis of multisystemic approach programs, which include collaboration of community multisystems. This concept offers a positive orientation, hope and optimism for solving adolescent’s substance abuse and other multiple human problems in today’s time of insecurity, unpredictability and dramatic social changes.


SM02: Family Models (Familienmodelle) / English

Mila Markova, Anelia Trencheva (BG):

Differences between Eastern and Western Family Models (Unterschiede zwischen östlichen und westlichen Familienmodellen)

Differences between East and West culture are very common theme for discussions and description. The aim of our paper is to present differences between East European and West European families through Bulgarian family therapist’s (famine) point of view. We divide Europe on 2 parts with the line Sankt Peterburg - Thriest.
We think that the main characteristics of our family model are: tolerance, emotional links inside and outside the family, stimulation of the creativity, open human systems, expectance of the difference. All this characteristics are in direct relation to the traditional value system – maternal role.
One of the main differences between the two cultures is East European hospitality and warmth and easy sharing of feelings. All this propose different type family and different (adaptive) model for family therapy.
Opposite - West European model family is dominated by valuable system, which is more connected with traditional father’s role. It supports individuality not family system.

Radmila Micovic, Aleksandra Vuletic-Peco (YU):Cancelled

Will the Family Survive in the 21st Century? Can a Man Be Without a Family? (Wird die Familie das 21. Jahrhundert überleben? Können Menschen ohne Familie existieren?)

Reflecting upon the everaccelerating, intensive, complex and diverse changes in the last decade of 2oth century that point out to possible developmental paths of the human society in 21-th century, we wonder whether a family will become only a transitional form towards different ways of human living.
We are witnessing a multitude of new configurations of family living in which we hardly recognize some of the elements of the old, traditional families. Are these “new configurations” families or are they new forms of human functioning that are precursors of even more new and different?
What are the new forms? Can we find ourselves in them and/or do they exist within us? What shapes these new forms, what shapes people, what do people shape? These questions and many more are evoked challenging our practice and are discussed in this paper.


SM03: Resources Oriented Psychoeducation (Lösungsorientierte Psychoedukation) - English

K. Latsona, A. Kosmoyanni, A. Kokkinidis (GR):

The Importance of a Psychoeducational Parents´ Group to the Training of Children with Special Abilities (Die Bedeutung von Eltern-Psychoedukationsgruppen für das Training von Kindern mit eingeschränkten Fähigkeiten)

Objectives: This paper describes the structure and function of a Group-Analytic oriented Support-Parents’ Group, through which the needs of families with children suffering of mental retardation were faced. The group took place in a Special Educational Setting (Rehabilitation Centre for Individuals with Special Abilities). The changes which the families achieved are described while the therapeutic factors that led to the improvement of the families' function are assessed.
Conclusions: The Support-Parents' Group led to the empowerment of the parents:
a) through the acceptance of the abilities of the special child and the realization that their change of attitude improves the overall way of their children function and the latters' progress in the educational programme,
b) through the parents’ mobilisation from the passive acceptance of the educational programme to a co-operative, active and responsible attitude towards it and,
c) through the development of parallel social initiatives in connection with the special child and the rest of the family.

A. Tziotziou, M. Tseberlidou, I. Katsouri, A. Papadopoulou,
D. Dimou (GR):

Psychoeducational Groups of Parents with Children in Therapy (Psychoedukationsgruppen für Eltern mit Kindern in Therapie)

Objectives: During the last twelve years, at the Open Psychotherapy Centre are operating Psychoeducational Parents’ Groups, participation in which is strongly recommended. Their aim is the support of the parents and their training in relation to the identified patient.
The function and the developmental stages of these groups, as well as their contribution to the mobilization of the healthy potential of the parental couple, are described.
Apart from their educational character, the Parents' Groups, also seem to have important therapeutic results along with playing a preventive role in the development of the child or adolescent pathology, as it well known the dhild and adolescent disorders require combined therapy, concurrent with the therapeutic involvement of the famil (couple therapy proper, or informal meeting with parents).
Conclusions: The above therapeutic scheme leads to the differentiation of the parents and, as a result of this, to learning and practicing new behaviours concerning their parental roles.


SM04 - Systemische Ansätze im Umgang mit Alter und Tod (Systemic Approaches to Aging and Death) / Deutsch

Johannes Johannsen (D):

Systemische Therapie mit Älteren (Systemic Therapy in the Aged)

In der Altenarbeit wie auch in der Alterspsychiatrie ist der ältere psychisch Kranke gar nicht anders als in seinem Beziehungsgefüge und in seinem räumlich-zeitlichen Kontext vorstellbar. Beziehungsgefüge bedeutet beim älteren Menschen sehr oft mehr bzw. etwas anderes als die Familie, die möglicherweise kaum noch oder gar nicht mehr vorhanden ist, sondern erst recht auch Freunde, Nachbarn, Bekannte, juristische Betreuer, Mitarbeiter von Institutionen, beispielsweise auf Alten- und Pflegeheimen oder von sozialen Hilfsdiensten - also ganz unterschiedliche Systeme. Wie lassen sich diese Systeme zum Nutzen des Betroffenen vernetzte und wie lassen sich damit Lösungsräume herstellen? Häufige Krisen- und Problemkonstellationen und unterschiedliche therapeutische Setttings - Beratungsstelle, Ambulanz, teilstationäre und stationäre Behandlung - werden aus der Arbeit des ersten Gerontopsychiatischen Zentrums in Köln dargestellt. Fallbeispiele der Teilnehmer sind willkommen.

Alexander Korittko (D):

Zwischen Trauma und Trauer: Ein systemischer Ansatz für die Verarbeitung von plötzlichen Todesfällen in Familien (Between Trauma And Mourning: A Systemic Approach For Coping With Sudden Death Of A Family Member)

Problemstellung: Wenn der Tod eines nahen Angehörigen mit einem traumatischen Erlebnis verbunden ist, stellt sich aus psychotraumatologischer Sicht die Frage, ob bei einer therapeutischen Begleitung die ausschließliche Fokussierung auf den Trauerprozess ausreichend ist. Der Autor beschreibt daher im ersten Teil seine Trauma-orientierte systemische Sichtweise für den Prozess von akut traumatisierten Trauernden und den Einfluss der so genannten "Traumatischen Zange".
Ausführung und Methode: Über einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren wurde eine Gruppe von Hinterbliebenen therapeutisch begleitet, die bei der ICE-Katastrophe von der Eschede erwachsene Kinder oder Ehepartner verloren hatten. Die individuelle Stressanpassung wurde regelmäßig mit dem "Impact of Event Scale" evaluiert. Es wurden sowohl Interventionen angewandt, die aus der systemischen Arbeit mit Trauernden bekannt sind, als auch Trauma-orientierte Interventionen zur Veränderung von Intrusionen und Vermeidungsverhalten. Ergebis: Die Ergebnisse der Selbstevaluation und die Berichte der TeilnehmerInnen zeigen eine wesentliche Verbesserung des Stress-Copings nach Ende des Gruppenprozesses. Schlussfolgerung: Im letzten Teil verdeutlicht der Autor die wesentlichen Interventionen einer systemischen Trauma-orientierten Trauerarbeit mit Familien und Individuen. Aus seiner Erfahrungen mit der Eschede Gruppe und aus anderen Kontexten klinischer Arbeit begründet er, dass traumatierte Angehörige erst dann ihren Trauerprozeß beginnen können, wenn sie ihr Trauma integriert haben.


SM05 - Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Incest (Psychotherapeutische Ansätze bei Inzest) - French/Français/ Französisch

Martine Nisse (F):

Family Therapy, Incest, and Movie (Familientherapie, Inzest und Film)

In 1986, sexual aggressions on children used to be taboo. If many therapist used to talk about violence against children, nobody really talked about sexual violence against children, except victims. So, we have created the first family therapy center specialized.
Incest couldn‘t be connoted positively, without making the therapist accomplice of the crime . Our meeting with the first adult victim of incest who dared to speak openly, in a big TV show was determining for us. The thought we have followed together : therapist, lawers, magistrates, social workers and victims has leaded us to work out on a judicial, therapeutic and social intervention system that we have presented regularly in the medias
Iwill explain what‘s the interest, for the patients, of testifying in a media, I‘ll talk them about therapeutic effect of this meetings.
I‘ll illustrate my talk with some extracts of the film " Shadow of doubt ", a thriller about incest of with I am co-writer -, selected, awarded Festival of Venice 93. It is useful today in many professional formations and it is also useful to help some incarcerated sexual aggressors to work out their story of incest.

Michel Wawrzyniak (F):

Ferenczi and Searles Syndromes Included in the Psychotherapies of Children and Teenagers who have been Victims of Abuse ("Ferenczi und Searles Syndrom" in der Therapie von kindlichen und jugendlichen Opfern von Gewalt)

Sandor Ferenczi and Harold Searles provided major contributions that helped us realise the psychopathology of the victims of abuse and helped in the implementation of the technique of their psychotherapy.
The victims, who had been severely assaulted, showed by their overall clinical picture some effects of anaesthesia, paralysis, cleavage or psychological fragmentation that we define by the term "Ferenczi syndrome" or "syndrome of direct action".
The "Searles syndrome" or "the syndrome of direct passion" is that of having a tendancy to complete the psychic system of the other, as Harold Searles discovered when he took care of his patients. These latest used to replace, at a very early stage, the missing  parts of the psychic system of their family. Searles uses the term "symbiotic therapists" to define those patients.
As psychotherapists, our clinical involvement with children, teenagers and families who are looked after at the Centre of the Buttes-Chaumont in Paris through family therapies and  via the network practice will enable us to take the measurement of these two syndromes of "direct action" and "direct passion".


SM06 - Kindheit in Kultur und Familie (Childhood in Culture and Family)

Margit K. Epstein (D):

Konstruktionen von Kindheit und Mutterschaft in anderen Disziplinen: Implikationen für systemische Therapien (Constructions of Childhood and Motherhood in other Disciplines: Implications for Systemic Therapies)

Wenn wir einer Zukunft für Kinder und Familien behilflich sein wollen, welche Art Kinder und Familien sollen dabei entstehen? Welche kulturellen und historischen Pfade benutzen wir, wenn wir von Mutter, Vater und Kind sprechen? Und genauso wichtig, wie verstehen wir die Geschichten unserer Klientenfamilien, aus welchem Bedeutungskontext schöpfen wir unsere Dialoge und Interventionen? In diesem Vortrag wird anhand konkreten Erzählausschnitten von KlientInnen gezeigt, daß die Berücksichtigung von neueren wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse anderer Fachgebiete eine Erweiterung der Sicht- und Handlungsweisen des systemischen Arbeitens erbringen. Wenn wir post-strukturelle Perspektiven aus der Kindheits-, Zukunfts- und Geschlechterforschung in unsere Praxis aufnehmen, führen wir systemische Therapien und Familientherapien aus dem Kanon der Belehrung, Disziplinierung und Psychologisierung der Mutter-Kind-Beziehung heraus.

Christiane Lier, Holger Lier (D):

Zukunftsentwürfe: Was brauchen Kinder von ihren Eltern? (Concepts for the Future: What do Children Need from their Parents?)

In diesem Vortrag werden Methoden aufgezeigt, wie bestimmte Aspekte mit den Eltern erarbeitet werden können, die für die Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen wichtig sind: - Trennung der Paar- und Elternebene, - Wertschätzung der jeweiligen Herkunftsfamilie mit deren Normen und Werten, - Geschwisterkonstellationen (Altersabstand, Geschlecht…), - gesellschaftliche Aspekte wie z. B. Arbeitslosigkeit eines Elternteils. Methoden: Fallarbeit, Genogrammarbeit (Mehrgenerationenperspektive), prozessorientierte Aufstellungsarbeit mit Schablonen, Figuren und StellvertreterInnen.
