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Journ. of Fam.Ther.
Family Process
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Family Process Heft 2/2004
1/2004 - 2/2004 - 3/2004 - 4/2004 - Überblick

Imber-Black, Evan (2004): The Literary Essay Comes to Family Process: Books, Thoughts, Actions. In: Family Process 43(2), S. 141-142

Sluzki, Carlos E. (2004): Perhaps not Unexpected, Perhaps not Death: A Eulogy for Gianfranco Cecchin (1932-2004). In: Family Process 43(2), S. 143-145

Weine, Stevan, Nerina Muzurovic, Yasmina Kulauzovic, Sanela Besic, Alma Lezic, Aida Mujagic, Jasmina Muzurovic, Dzemila Spahovic, Suzanne Feetham, Norma Ware, Kathleen Knafl & Ivan Pavkovic (2004): Family Consequences of Refugee Trauma. In: Family Process 43(2), S. 147-160.

abstract: Objective: To construct a model on the consequences of political violence for refugee families based upon a qualitative investigation. Methods: This study used a grounded-theory approach to analyze qualitative evidence from the CAFES multi-family support and education groups with Bosnian refugee families in Chicago. Textual coding and analysis was conducted using ATLAS/ti for Windows. Results: A grounded-theory model of Family Consequences of Refugee Trauma (FAMCORT) was constructed that describes Displaced Families of War across four realms of family life: (1) changes in family roles and obligations, (2) changes in family memories and communications, (3) changes in family relationships with other family members; and (4) changes in family connections with the ethnic community and nation state. In each realm, the model also specifies family strategies, called Families Rebuilding Lives, for managing those consequences. Conclusions: Political violence leads to changes in multiple dimensions of family life and also to strategies for managing those changes. Qualitative family research is useful in better understanding refugee families and in helping them through family-oriented mental health services.

Pulleyblank Coffey, Ellen (2004): The Heart of the Matter 2: Integration of Ecosystemic Family Therapy Practices with Systems of Care Mental Health Services for Children and Families. In: Family Process 43(2), S. 161-173.

abstract: Many children in this country do not receive the mental health care they need. At the same time, a nationwide movement known as systems of care is providing innovative services for families and children. This article links the ideas inherent in systems of care with ecosystemic family therapy principles and practices. Based on a study of nine innovative systems of care pilot projects in Massachusetts, it describes how these innovative programs, and others like them, have been most successful in increasing access to services and providing for coordinated services. They have been less successful in accomplishing positive clinical and functional outcomes. Change in these systems is often described in terms of how services are provided. Not enough attention is given to the conversations that take place between families and case coordinators and how these conversations lead to long-term change. This article contends that the ways in which services are delivered in these systems of care fit well with ecosystemic family therapy principles and practices. We, as family therapists, have an opportunity to link these two sets of ideas, which share common assumptions and values and increase the likelihood of positive clinical outcomes for children and families.

Sullivan, Kieran T., Lauri A. Pasch, Tara Cornelius & Ellen Cirigliano (2004): Predicting Participation in Premarital Prevention Programs: The Health Belief Model and Social Norms. In: Family Process 43(2), S. 175-193.

abstract: The development of effective programs to prevent marital dysfunction has been a recent focus for marital researchers, but the effective dissemination of these programs to engaged couples has received relatively little attention. The purpose of this study is to determine which factors predict couples' participation in premarital counseling. Predictive factors were derived from the health prevention literature, with a particular focus on the health belief model (HBM). Couples' beliefs and attitudes about premarital counseling were assessed at least six months before their wedding, and participation was assessed after their wedding. Results indicate that the strongest predictors of couples' participation were couples' perceptions of barriers to counseling and whether they had counseling recommended to them. These variables predicted participation even after controlling for important demographic variables. Recommendations for recruiting engaged couples for premarital counseling are made based on the findings.

Ostroff, Jamie, Stephanie Ross, Peter Steinglass, Victor Ronis-Tobin & Bhuvanesh Singh (2004): Interest in and Barriers to Participation in Multiple Family Groups Among Head and Neck Cancer Survivors and Their Primary Family Caregivers. In: Family Process 43(2), S. 195-208.

abstract: This study examined interest in and barriers to participation in a multiple family group intervention (MFG) for adult cancer survivors and their family caregivers. The intervention was developed to assist families in coping with the persistent challenges of cancer diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation. Eighty eligible families having a member diagnosed and treated for cancers of the head and neck region completed a baseline quality of life survey consisting of standardized psychosocial measures, and then all patients and their families were invited to participate in a day-long multiple family group program. However, despite extensive recruitment efforts and accommodations to address anticipated barriers for nonparticipation, only 15 of the 80 (19%) eligible families agreed to attend the MFG workshop. Post-MFG, participating families reported high levels of program satisfaction and usefulness. These findings are discussed in the context of increasing the use of family-focused interventions in cancer care settings.

Marshall, Tina & Phyllis Solomon (2004): Provider Contact with Families of Adults with Severe Mental Illness: Taking a Closer Look. In: Family Process 43(2), S. 209-216.

abstract: This exploratory study examined the frequency and nature of providers' contact with families of persons with severe mental illness. Fifty-nine providers in six community mental health programs completed a self-administered survey. A subsample of 8 providers also completed two in-depth interviews. Although most providers had some family contact, the contact was restricted to a small percent of their caseloads. The nature of contact that providers have with families is generally limited by their professional role. Best practice guidelines for the treatment of mental illness and agency administrators responsible for instituting these guidelines will need to clarify the types of providers who are expected to implement various aspects of family involvement.

Marks, Loren (2004): Sacred Practices in Highly Religious Families: Christian, Jewish, Mormon, and Muslim Perspectives. In: Family Process 43(2), S. 217-231.

abstract: Quantitative research examining linkages between family relationships and religious experience has increased substantially in recent years. However, related qualitative research, including research that examines the processes and meanings behind recurring religion-family correlations, remains scant. To address this paucity, a racially diverse sample (N=24) of married, highly religious Christian, Jewish, Mormon, and Muslim parents of school-aged children were interviewed regarding the importance of religious family interactions, rituals, and practices in their families. Mothers and fathers discussed several religious practices that were meaningful to them and explained why these practices were meaningful. Parents also identified costs and challenges associated with these practices. Interview data are presented in connection with three themes: (1) "practicing [and parenting] what you preach," (2) religious practices, family connection, and family communion, and (3) costs of family religious practices. The importance of family clinicians and researchers attending to the influence of religious practice in the lives of highly religious individuals and families is discussed.

Woo, Stephanie M., Michael J. Goldstein & Keith H. Nuechterlein (2004): Relatives' Affective Style and the Expression of Subclinical Psychopathology in Patients with Schizophrenia. In: Family Process 43(2), S. 233-247.

abstract: High expressed emotion (EE) is a measure of hostile, critical, and emotionally overinvolved attitudes expressed by a family member about a psychiatrically ill relative during an interview conducted in the patient's absence. EE is a robust predictor of relapse in schizophrenia, yet attempts to identify clinical characteristics that differentiate patients from high versus low EE families have mostly yielded negative findings. However, in a previous study, we found that patients with schizophrenia from high EE families exhibited greater levels of subclinical psychopathology when interacting with family members than did patients from low EE families. Patients from high EE families (N=32) also demonstrated considerable heterogeneity in their expression of subclinical psychopathology. The present study extends our previous work by demonstrating that this heterogeneity in patient subclinical psychopathology was associated with the extent to which family members expressed high EE congruent behaviors-as measured by the affective style (AS) coding system-when directly interacting with their patient-relative. Elevations in anxious/agitated behaviors and hostile/unusual behaviors were observed among patients whose high EE relatives behaved in a manner consistent with their EE status. These findings support a complex, bidirectional model of the role of high EE attitudes in influencing the course of schizophrenia.

Arad, Diana (2004): If Your Mother Were an Animal, What Animal Would She Be? Creating Play-Stories in Family Therapy: The Animal Attribution Story-Telling Technique (AASTT). In: Family Process 43(2), S. 249-263.

abstract: In this article, I describe a therapeutic story-telling technique that requires family members to attribute an animal counterpart to each member of the family and then tell a short story-with a beginning, a middle, and an end-about the animal protagonists. The technique was applied in private practice to numerous families with a presenting problem of one or more children referred by the local school system labeled as suffering from conduct disorders and/or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This story-telling technique offers a predictable structure to sessions, thus facilitating the engagement and participation of children of all ages in the therapeutic process. The animal name attribution to family members creates a fun, nonthreatening atmosphere that helps to promote the description of personality traits and interpersonal relationships through the various animal counterparts. The ensuing story allows each family member to describe situations, feelings, wishes, and more as belonging to the animals and not to themselves. This is an active process. It enables the expression of conflictual feelings, the clarification of erroneous beliefs about the self and others, and the externalization of wishes, fears, aggressive feelings, and fantasies within a safe context. The combined use of animal selves and creative narrative takes into consideration children's developmental capabilities and utilizes their spontaneous pleasure in the world of make-believe to minimize anxiety. In adults, this combination helps to overcome resistance and uncovers issues that are otherwise seldom verbalized. Further, play-stories facilitate dialogue between family members and provide working metaphors that later become an integral part of the therapy sessions and of family lore.

Pakman, Marcelo (2004): The Epistemology of Witnessing: Memory, Testimony, and Ethics in Family Therapy. In: Family Process 43(2), S. 265-274

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