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Family Process Heft 1/2013
1/2013 - 2/2013 - 3/2013 - 4/2013 - Überblick
Lebow, Jay (2013): Editorial: Couple Therapy and Family Therapy. In: 52 (1): S. 1-4
Knudson-Martin, Carmen (2013): Why Power Matters: Creating a Foundation of Mutual Support in Couple Relationships. In: Family Process 52 (1): S. 5–18.
abstract: Research shows that equal power helps couples create intimacy and relationship success. However, though couples increasingly desire equal relationships, cultural models of mutual support are not well developed. Clinicians often approach heterosexual couple therapy as though partners are inherently equal, thus reinforcing unacknowledged gender inequities. This article examines research that shows why power imbalances are destructive to intimate relationships and focuses on four gender-related aspects of mutual support: (a) shared relational responsibility, (b) mutual vulnerability, (c) mutual attunement, and (d) shared influence. Case examples illustrate how socio-emotional attunement, interrupting the flow of power, and introducing alternative relational experience help couple therapists identify and address power disparities in these important relational processes. Encouraging the powerful person to take relational initiative and introducing alternative gender discourse are especially important.
Wile, Daniel B. (2013): Opening the Circle of Pursuit and Distance. In: Family Process 52 (1): S. 19–32.
abstract: Pursuit and distance is actually a circle of stages with each partner‘s behavior triggering that of the other. The pursuing partner, frustrated by the withdrawn partner‘s unresponsiveness, shifts from pursuing to attacking. The withdrawn partner defends him/herself and in some cases attacks back, producing a third stage, attack–defend, followed by the fourth stage in which the partners, feeling injured by the exchange, go off to nurse their wounds. Eventually, and often soon, the pursuing partner again becomes distressed by the lack of emotional connection and again pursues, which triggers a repeat of the whole sequence. Couples can go on for years repeating the sequence of pursue–withdraw, attack–withdraw, attack–defend, and withdraw–withdraw. As time goes on, the pursue may drop out, as may also the attack and defend, leaving just the withdraw. Delineating these stages is particularly important in Collaborative Couple therapy, an approach based on turning the couple‘s immediate alienated state (pursue–withdraw, attack–withdraw, and so on) into an intimate one (engage–engage). The therapist constructs a perspective above the fray —a platform, perch, or observing couple ego—from which partners can operate as joint troubleshooters attending to problems that occur in the relationship, which, in the case of pursuit and distance, means the alienated states they circle through.
Papp, Peggy, Michele Scheinkman & Jean Malpas (2013): Breaking the Mold: Sculpting Impasses in Couples‘ Therapy. In: Family Process 52 (1): S. 33–45.
abstract: In the fall of 2009, we the authors started a project at the Ackerman Institute for the Family in New York City that focuses on understanding and transforming impasses in couples‘ therapy. In experimenting with various interventions, we discovered the power of sculpting to capture and transform stalemates in couples relationships. In this article, we describe the ways in which sculpting brings forward the gestalt of a couple‘s impasse, highlights nuances of emotions and feelings, and reveals elements of both present and past. We also discuss the ways in which sculpting illuminates the partners‘ sense of self in the relationship as they feel constrained within their reciprocal dynamics. Through three different cases, we outline a protocol for sculpting. We demonstrate how the therapist invites the partners to create a visual/sensory narrative of their impasse, guides staging of their metaphors and images, and utilizes their enactments to unpack emotions, beliefs, and patterns that are typically on the periphery of awareness. We also articulate how sculpting offers a platform for the process of change.
Greenman, Paul S. & Susan M. Johnson (2013): Process Research on Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for Couples: Linking Theory to Practice. In: Family Process 52 (1): S. 46–61.
abstract: The focus of this article is on the link among theory, process, and outcome in the practice of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for couples. We describe the EFT model of change and the EFT perspective on adult love as the reflection of underlying attachment processes. We outline the manner in which theory and research inform EFT interventions. This leads into a detailed review of the literature on the processes of change in EFT. We highlight the client responses and therapist operations that have emerged from process research and their relation to treatment outcomes. We discuss the implications of this body of research for clinical practice and training.
Goldman, Rhonda N. & Leslie Greenberg (2013): Working with Identity and Self-soothing in Emotion–Focused Therapy for Couples. In: Family Process 52 (1): S. 62–82.
abstract: This paper will outline new developments in Emotion-Focused Therapy for Couples (EFT-C) (Greenberg & Goldman, Emotion-focused couples therapy: The dynamics of emotion, love, and power, Washington, DC, American Psychological Association, 2008). People are seen as primarily motivated by their affective goals and the regulation of emotional states. The three motivational systems of attachment, identity, and attraction/liking, viewed as reflective of the core concerns people bring to therapy, are briefly outlined and elaborated. The five-stage model of EFT-C is briefly described. The paper will then provide two illustrations, one that demonstrates how EFT-C therapists work with core issues related to identity, and the other that shows how therapy can promote self-soothing. In the first example, annotated transcripts taken from therapy sessions illustrate how an EFT therapist addresses issues of identity in a highly distressed couple. The second example demonstrates how to facilitate work with individuals within the couples‘ context to engender and develop capacities for self-soothing, seen as fundamental for the promotion of healthy emotion regulation and couples‘ overall health.
Weingarten, Kaethe (2013): The „Cruel Radiance of What Is”: Helping Couples Live With Chronic Illness. In: Family Process 52 (1): S. 83–101.
abstract: The threat of no longer being the person one wants to be hovers over each ill person and plays out relationally. The dynamic interplay of this experience of self-loss and other-loss (Roos, 2002; Weingarten, 2012) has a significant impact on couples, both of whom may come to have both experiences. In this article, I focus on the couples‘ experience of self- and other-loss in the context of chronic illness, in which one person‘s experience flows into and informs the other‘s. In particular, I describe how asymmetric acknowledgment of self-loss and other-loss adds to the misery of couples who are already challenged by poor health. Physical pain also makes dealing with self- and other-loss harder. Therapists can serve couples better if they take a fully collaborative stance; appreciate the dilemmas of witnessing; help couples distinguish new trauma from retraumatization and fear; work with the weaver‘s dilemma and the boatman‘s plight (Weingarten, 2012); and are comfortable with discussion of end of life issues.
Dickerson, Victoria (2013): Patriarchy, Power, and Privilege: A Narrative/Poststructural View of Work with Couples. In: Family Process 52 (1): S. 102–114.
abstract: Poststructural/narrative therapists working with heterosexual couples position themselves to attend to issues of power and privilege and how these variables differentially affect each gendered member of the couple. The poststructural therapist understands patriarchy as the grand narrative that influences us all, often invisibly, and creates conditions for people to respond outside what might be their preferences for performing relationships. This article takes the reader inside the work with couples and demonstrates how the narrative/poststructural therapist attends to aspects of the conversation, asks questions, makes comments, and otherwise intervenes with couples using patriarchy as a lens for understanding. Rather than challenging patriarchy in how it influences men and women, the intention is to bring forth more preferred ways of being that are outside of or on the other side of patriarchal effects. This way of working thickens people‘s accounts of themselves and of their relationships so that they might live in more satisfactory ways.
Gurman, Alan S. (2013): Behavioral Couple Therapy: Building a Secure Base for Therapeutic Integration. In: Family Process 52 (1): S. 115–138.
abstract: Behavioral couple therapy (BCT), one of the two most empirically supported approaches to the treatment of couple discord, has undergone enormous changes in its four decades-long clinical and conceptual history. The evolution of thought about what maintains couple disaffection and distress and what can be done about it from a behavioral perspective is reviewed. These changes are considered in the larger context of the field of behavior therapy, noting shifts within BCT that parallel the three “waves” of development within that field. Integrative behavioral couple therapy (IBCT), the most visible and influential of the several BCT approaches, is examined, with particular attention to its functional–contextual base and the nature and role of functional analysis in clinical case conceptualization. It is argued that continuing enhancement and refinement of IBCT as an integrative therapeutic method will require greater flexibility in the techniques that are used and increased attention to the self of the IBCT therapist.
Doss, Brian D., Lisa A. Benson, Emily J. Georgia & Andrew Christensen (2013): Translation of Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy to a Web-based Intervention. In: Family Process 52 (1): S. 139–153.
abstract: Couple therapy—across a number of different theoretical approaches—has been shown to be an effective treatment for a variety of individual and relationship difficulties. Moreover, recent studies have demonstrated that the effects of several approaches last at least 2–5 years after the end of treatment. However, couple therapy has a critical limitation: most distressed couples—including those who eventually divorce—do not seek couple therapy. Thus, although we recognize there are notable advances in the treatment approaches described in this special section, we argue that traditional approaches to couple therapy need to be supplemented by alternative interventions before we can make a profound, population-level impact on relationship distress and divorce. To this end, we translated Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy into a self-help, web-based program— Through a combination of tailored feedback, filmed examples, and interactive education, the online program first helps couples identify a core problem in their relationship. The program then assists partners in coming to a new and more accurate understanding of the problem they jointly identified and subsequently brings them together in a structured conversation to share their new understandings with each other. Finally, based on this shared conceptualization, the program supports couples in making concrete changes in their relationship. In this article, we discuss the rationale for the program, describe the core components of the website, and illustrate these components with a case example. Relative advantages and disadvantages compared with traditional couple therapy are presented.