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Family Process Heft 1/2005
1/2005 - 2/2005 - 3/2005 - 4/2005 - Überblick
Imber-Black, Evan (2005): Reflecting and Anticipating. In: Family Process 44(1), S. 1-2
Rolland, John S. & Janet K. Williams (2005): Toward a Biopsychosocial Model for 21st-Century Genetics. In: Family Process 44(1), S. 3-24.
abstract: Advances in genomic research are increasingly identifying genetic components in major health and mental health disorders. This article presents a Family System Genetic Illness model to address the psychosocial challenges of genomic conditions for patients and their families, and to help organize this complex biopsychosocial landscape for clinical practice and research. This model clusters genomic disorders based on key characteristics that define types of disorders with similar patterns of psychosocial demands over time. Key disease variables include the likelihood of developing a disorder based on specific genetic mutations, overall clinical severity, timing of clinical onset in the life cycle, and whether effective treatment interventions exist to alter disease onset and/or progression. For disorders in which carrier, predictive, or presymptomatic testing is available, core nonsymptomatic time phases with salient developmental challenges are described pre- and post-testing, including a long-term adaptation phase. The FSGI model builds on Rolland's Family System Illness model, which identifies psychosocial types and phases of chronic disorders after clinical onset. The FSGI model is designed to be flexible and responsive to future discoveries in genomic research. Its utility is discussed for research, preventive screening, family assessment, treatment planning, and service delivery in a wide range of healthcare settings.
McDaniel, Susan H. (2005): The Psychotherapy of Genetics. In: Family Process 44(1), S. 25-44.
abstract: The evolution of genomic science and its effect on medicine and health care offer opportunities for family therapists to participate in the comprehensive care of patients and families with genetic disorders. This article provides an overview of what we now know about the psychological and interpersonal experience of patients and families facing some of these illnesses. Case examples illustrate the process of decision-making about testing and treatment, and the importance of understanding developmental issues and transgenerational family dynamics in any related psychotherapy. Challenging emotional issues include managing anger, ambivalence, and guilt; challenging interpersonal issues include dealing with differing coping and communication styles, decisions about disclosure and secrets, and conflict resolution. Family-oriented interventions include individual, couple, and family therapy, and psychoeducational groups. Recommendations are made for family therapists to participate as part of the genetic healthcare team.
Roberts, Janine (2005): Transparency and Self-Disclosure in Family Therapy: Dangers and Possibilities. In: Family Process 44(1), S. 45-63.
abstract: Therapy is a paid intimate relationship that thrusts clients and therapists into navigating personal and professional boundaries. When, where, why, and how is it appropriate and ethical for family therapists to be transparent, and when is it damaging? Theorists take varied stances from Haley's position of tight boundaries around therapist disclosure-whether in treatment or training-to the narrative viewpoint that therapists should be transparent about models of therapy, personal values, and life experiences that inform their practice and beliefs. However, these positions are not research based, and theorists who support disclosure offer few guidelines other than general statements. This article examines the history of ideas about disclosure in six major family therapy models, and the dangers and possibilities of transparency. It looks at the research on self-disclosure in individual therapy and whether and how it could apply to family therapy. Guidelines are proposed that take into account the multiple social identities of therapists and clients, and issues of safety and transparency.
Lowe, Roger (2005): Structured Methods and Striking Moments: Using Question Sequences in "Living" Ways. In: Family Process 44(1), S. 65-75.
abstract: This article draws together two seemingly incompatible practices in social constructionist therapies: the use of structured questioning methods (associated with solution-focused and narrative therapies) and the poetic elaboration of "striking moments" (associated with conversational therapies). To what extent can we value and use both styles of practice? Beginning with practitioners' concerns about the use of structured question sequences, I explore possibilities for resituating these methods in different conceptual and metaphorical frames, selectively drawing on ideas from the philosophy of striking moments. The aim is not to reduce one therapeutic style to another, but to encourage the teaching and practice of structured methods in more creative, improvisational, and "living" ways.
Tubbs, Carolyn Y., Kevin M. Roy & Linda M. Burton (2005): Family Ties: Constructing Family Time in Low-Income Families. In: Family Process 44(1), S. 77-91.
abstract: Family time" is reflected in the process of building and fortifying family relationships. Whereas such time, free of obligatory work, school, and family maintenance activities, is purchased by many families using discretionary income, we explore how low-income mothers make time for and give meaning to focused engagement and relationship development with their children within time constraints idiosyncratic to being poor and relying on welfare. Longitudinal ethnographic data from 61 low-income African American, European American, and Latina American mothers were analyzed to understand how mothers construct family time during daily activities such as talking, play, and meals. We also identify unique cultural factors that shape family time for low-income families, such as changing temporal orientations, centrality of television time, and emotional burdens due to poverty. Implications for family therapy are also discussed.
Whiffen, Valerie E., Matthew A. Kerr & Veronica Kallos-Lilly (2005): Maternal Depression, Adult Attachment, and Children's Emotional Distress. In: Family Process 44(1), S. 93-103.
abstract: Introduction: Our goal was to evaluate the impact of depressed mothers' marital intimacy and attachment security in romantic relationships on children's internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Method: Forty-six clinically depressed mothers rated attachment security, marital intimacy, and symptoms shown by their children aged 8 to 12. Results: Maternal avoidance of closeness predicted increases in children's internalizing symptoms over a 6-month period. Discussion: Avoidance of closeness in depressed mothers may be implicated in the development of internalizing symptoms in their children, possibly because individuals who are avoidant of closeness are poor caregivers.
Hernandez, Pilar, Rhea Almeida & Ken Dolan-Del Vecchio (2005): Critical Consciousness, Accountability, and Empowerment: Key Processes for Helping Families Heal. In: Family Process 44(1), S. 105-119.
abstract: Families are inextricably embedded within their larger sociopolitical contexts, an observation acknowledged by many theorists. The field of family therapy is working on its translation into comprehensive and effective approaches for helping families change. This article illustrates the use of the Cultural Context Model to help families change, guided by the linked foundational concepts of accountability, critical consciousness, and empowerment. The authors support their discussion of theory with examples illustrating the ways in which social patterns connected to race, gender, class, and sexual orientation shape the dilemmas that family members encounter, as well as their access to solutions.
Borstnar, Jana, Mojca Mocnik Bucar, Maja Rus Makovec, Charlotte Burck & Gwyn Daniel (2005): Co-constructing a Cross-Cultural Course: Resisting and Replicating Colonizing Practices. In: Family Process 44(1), S. 121-131.
abstract: This article examines the cross-cultural complexities of teaching and learning processes at different levels in a family therapy training program delivered in a different country. It presents two interlinked narratives of an advanced family therapy training program delivered in Slovenia by a U.K.-based family therapy training institute. The context in which the training was negotiated and planned is discussed, highlighting issues at the macrosystemic level. Dilemmas that arose in relation to differing beliefs about teaching and learning are elaborated. We examine power relationships, ways that we positioned ourselves and each other, and how we tried and sometimes failed to take these into account. We question how the issue of spoken language and its meanings creates its own constraints and power structures, and how we respond to the impossibilities of translation. We argue that it is through the examination of uncomfortable processes that we develop self-reflexivity and work toward more equitable relationships.