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Family Process Heft 1/2004
1/2004 - 2/2004 - 3/2004 - 4/2004 - Überblick
Imber-Black, Evan (2004): Of Continuities, Beginnings, and Generativities. In: Family Process 43(1), S. 1-3
Wynne, Lyman C. (2004): A Loss for the Family Field: The Death of Margaret T. Singer. In: Family Process 43(1), S. 5-5
King, Deborah A. & Lyman C. Wynne (2004): The Emergence of "Family Integrity" in Later Life. In: Family Process 43(1), S. 7-21.
abstract: In contrast to the rich and abundant literature on the early stages of the family life cycle, there are relatively few theoretical accounts of family developmental processes in the second half of life. In an effort to address this imbalance, we introduce the concept of "family integrity" to refer to the ultimate, positive outcome of an older adult's developmental striving toward meaning, connection, and continuity within his or her multigenerational family. Subjectively, for the older adult, family integrity may be experienced as a deep and abiding sense of peace and/or satisfaction with his or her multigenerational family relationships, past, present, and future. It is the result of a growing concern for relational closure that typically begins to emerge in mid-life and gains ascendance in later-life. Objectively, at the level of observable relational processes, it is manifest in three interrelated competencies of the family as a system: (a) the transformation of relationships over time in a manner that is dynamic and responsive to the changing life cycle needs of individual family members, (b) the resolution or acceptance of past losses or family conflicts, with the dead as well as the living, and (c) the shared creation of meaning by passing on individual and family legacies within and across generations. As a construct, family integrity involves processes at multiple levels of social organization. At the individual level, it refers to an older adult's inner experience of satisfaction or "completeness" in the context of his or her family relationships. At the family level, it refers to observable relational competencies and transactions that contribute directly to an elder's sense of meaning, purpose, and connection with others. Simultaneously, at the level of culture and society, there are values and rituals that influence whether individuals experience meaning and purpose within the multigenerational family.
Ungar, Michael (2004): The Importance of Parents and Other Caregivers to the Resilience of High-risk Adolescents. In: Family Process 43(1), S. 23-41.
abstract: Relationships between 43 high-risk adolescents and their caregivers were examined qualitatively. Parents and other formal and informal caregivers such as youth workers and foster parents were found to exert a large influence on the behaviors that bolster mental health among high-risk youth marginalized by poverty, social stigma, personal and physical characteristics, ethnicity, and poor social or academic performance. Participants' accounts of their intergenerational relationships with caregivers showed that teenagers seek close relationships with adults in order to negotiate for powerful self-constructions as resilient. High-risk teens say they want the adults in their lives to serve as an audience in front of whom they can perform the identities they construct both inside and outside their homes. This pattern was evident even among youth who presented as being more peer-than family-oriented. The implications of these findings to interventions with caregivers and teens is discussed.
Scales Rostosky, Sharon, Bethe A. Korfhage, Julie M. Duhigg, Amanda J. Stern, Laura Bennett & Ellen D.B. Riggle (2004): Same-Sex Couple Perceptions of Family Support: A Consensual Qualitative Study. In: Family Process 43(1), S. 43-57.
abstract: Few studies have examined the family context in which same-sex couples negotiate their lives and relationships. Consensual qualitative research methods (Hill, Thompson, & Williams, 1997) were used to analyze 14 same-sex couples' conversations about family support. Couples perceived that their families are positively supportive, non-supportive, or ambivalent in their support. These perceptions led to positive or negative emotional reactions in the couple members and to specific coping. The majority of couples perceived that family support (or lack of support) had an effect on the quality of their couple relationship. No general or typical response strategies to lack of family of origin support emerged, suggesting a lack of models or norms for same-sex couples. The implications for psychotherapeutic interventions with same-sex couples are discussed.
Rojano, Ramon (2004): The Practice of Community Family Therapy. In: Family Process 43(1), S. 59-77.
abstract: Special Section: Family Centered Community Building Section Editors' Note: We are pleased to bring to Family Process the work of a pioneering family therapist who is doing important and sophisticated work with families and communities. Ramon Rojano's Community Family Therapy breaks new ground by seeing families in poor communities not only as resilient but also as change agents, not only as clients but as citizens.-William J. Doherty and Jason S. Carroll. This paper presents a summary of the basic theories and methods of Community Family Therapy (CFT), a relatively new therapeutic approach developed in response to the need for effective intervention in treating low-income, urban families. CFT operates outside of the traditional therapeutic box, successfully combining family therapy techniques with developmental and motivational theories, community mental health, social work, economic development, and community mobilization strategies. CFT utilizes a dualistic approach in which both client and therapist become involved with the same three levels of engagement. Specifically, the client strives for: (a) personal and family change and growth-level 1, (b) accessing community resources-level 2, and (c) leadership development and civic action-level 3. Also, CFT calls upon therapists to strive for: (a) personal growth and maturation-level 1, (b) collaboration with community resources for professional support-level 2, and (c) operation as a "citizen therapist," through civic action and volunteer services-level 3.
McKernan McKay, Mary, Kelly Taber Chasse, Roberta Paikoff, La Dora McKinney, Donna Baptiste, Doris Coleman, Sybil Madison & Carl C. Bell (2004): Family-Level Impact of the CHAMP Family Program: A Community Collaborative Effort to Support Urban Families and Reduce Youth HIV Risk Exposure. In: Family Process 43(1), S. 79-93.
abstract: This article presents family-level results from an ongoing study examining the impact of the CHAMP (Chicago HIV prevention and Adolescent Mental health Project) Family Program, a family-based HIV preventative intervention meant to reduce the amount of time spent in situations of sexual possibility and delay initiation of sexual activity for urban youth in the 4th and 5th grades living in neighborhoods with high rates of HIV infection. The CHAMP Family Program has been developed, delivered, and overseen by a collaborative partnership, consisting of community parents, school staff, community-based agency representatives, and university-based researchers. Design of the program was informed by input from this collaborative partnership, child developmental theory of sexual risk, and empirical data gathered from the targeted community. This article presents findings that suggest CHAMP Family Program impact on family communication, family decision-making, and family-level influences hypothesized to be related to later adolescent HIV risk. Implications for future family-based HIV prevention research are discussed here.
Shields, Clevel G. & Sally J. Rousseau (2004): A Pilot Study of an Intervention for Breast Cancer Survivors and Their Spouses. In: Family Process 43(1), S. 95-107.
abstract: Recent studies have shown that interventions that increase breast cancer patients' communication with family members lead to reduced patient distress. In this article, we report on a treatment development and pilot study of an intervention for couples coping with breast cancer. In phase 1 of this study, 10 couples participated in two focus groups that generated ideas and themes for the intervention. In phase 2, we developed and pilot tested our intervention with 48 couples: 12 in a 2-session format, 21 in a 1-session format, and 15 in a non-experimental control group. Our response rate shows that breast cancer patients and spouses were willing to participate and that treatment providers were willing to refer patients and their spouses. The 2-session format showed the most promise for producing positive change in mental health functioning and cancer-related stress.
Muntigl, Peter (2004): Ontogenesis in Narrative Therapy: A Linguistic-Semiotic Examination of Client Change. In: Family Process 43(1), S. 109-131.
abstract: In this article I investigate how the narrative therapy process facilitates client change. The kind of change that I focus on is linguistic-semiotic; that is, how clients develop their meaning potential through language. What I will demonstrate is how an examination of the linguistic-semiotic level provides new insights into narrative therapy's role in endowing clients with the semiotic materials to make new meanings. An examination of six conjoint sessions involving a narrative therapist with one couple revealed that client change or ontogenesis is composed of three semiotic phases. In the first phase of ontogenesis clients display a beginning semiotic repertoire by formulating "extreme case" descriptions of self and other's behaviors. In the second phase clients are scaffolded by therapist's questions and reformulations into construing events as problems and problems as the agents of negative behaviors. In the final phase clients display a development in their semiotic potential. Clients are able to eliminate problems and construe themselves as agents without prior therapist scaffolding. Therefore, in the latter stages of the narrative process clients are able to deploy meanings that have been generated throughout therapy, in order to produce narratives of self agency and self control.
Hasui, Chieko, Yasuko Kishida & Toshinori Kitamura (2004): Factor Structure of the FACES-III in Japanese University Students. In: Family Process 43(1), S. 133-140.
abstract: We performed a confirmatory factor analysis for the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES-III) using 3865 university students in Japan. We confirmed two factors as in the original version, but there were slight differences with the original one. Some items were deleted in order to obtain sufficient goodness-of-fit indexes in a series of confirmatory factor analyses. Moreover, items 11 "Our family, changes its way of handling tasks," 20 "Parents and children discuss in our family," and 15 "We shift household responsibilities," which were originally categorized as "adaptability" items, were loaded on the "cohesion" factor.